Research IT Services brings you:
- IT facilitation and consulting services
- System integration for your demos/proofs of concept
- Pre-award and Post-award support for research computing
At no cost to the researcher, Research Facilitators will meet with you to help coordinate and solve your high-end digital technology needs, directing you to available campus, national, and commercial resources. In addition, our Systems Integration Engineers can provide consulting and limited project support. Contact us for more details.
- Research Lifecycle Support Flowchart (png)
- For general information about Research IT Services, email

Teaching Opportunity: Certified Software Carpentry Instructor
Openings for individuals interested in becoming certified instructors to teach basic scientific computing skills using the Software Carpentry (SWC) Foundation curriculum and methodology.
Foreign Influence
Federal funding agencies have issued new requirements and guidance on engagement with international research.
Decommissioning of FastLane by NSF
The use of FastLane has been decommissioned by NSF for award documents, organizational reports, and
NIH Policy for Data Management and Sharing
The NIH Policy for Data Management and Sharing requires applicants to submit a Data Management and Sharing Plan for any NIH-funded or conducted research that will generate scientific data.
Spotlight on Research
The Rancho Bernardo Study of Healthy Aging
In 1972, Dr. Elizabeth Barrett-Connor set out with a team of researchers into the newly developed, planned retirement community of Rancho Bernardo to solicit adult resident participation in an observational study to uncover whether a correlation could be drawn between lipids and cardiovascular disease. Little did she know the study would go on to produce a wide spectrum of research findings important to public health.