About Us


What is Research IT Services?

Our team offers free Research Computing and Data (RCD) support and services to faculty, research staff, postdoctoral scholars, graduate, and undergraduate students throughout all academic departments, schools, and divisions. A non-exhaustive list of our services includes direct engagement and resource recommendations to faculty, assistance in integrating new technologies in the lab, development of demos or proof-of-concepts for researchers, and consulting to provide solutions toward advanced cyberinfrastructure and cloud service needs.


Our Team


Cyd Burrows-Schilling

Sr. Research Facilitator

Email: cburrows@ucsd.edu

With over 21 years experience in higher ed IT and eight years focus in research facilitation, Cyd consults with researchers in all domains and assists to resolve a wide array of research computing and data challenges. She specializes in helping researchers navigate the complex and ever-changing IT environment, identify advanced cyberinfrastructure resources, and right-fit services and technologies into effective and efficient workflow portfolios. Cyd works closely with researchers who are adopting commercial cloud platforms and has worked on projects requiring in-depth support and development.


Ian Kaufman

Principal Systems Integration Engineer

Email: ikaufman@ucsd.edu

Ian has almost 30 years of IT experience, supporting both infrastructure and researchers, tying things together to help researchers do what they need to do to achieve results. He has experience working in Cybersecurity, High Performance Computing, and designing highly available systems to ensure resources remain accessible. He has worked in Chemistry and Biochemistry here at UC San Diego, as well as spending 6 years in NERSC at Lawrence Berkeley National Lab, returning to UC San Diego and working in the Irwin and Joan Jacobs School of Engineering. After 17 years there, Ian has joined the Research IT Services team, returning to doing what he has enjoyed most throughout his IT career - working with researchers to help get things done.

Hua Uy

Systems Integration Engineer

Email: huy@ucsd.edu

With extensive knowledge in both science and IT, Hua is committed to providing the UCSD research community IT expertise to help enhance their research goals. Hua has 25+ years experience in Higher Ed IT. With a Biology degree from UCSD, he worked as a Staff Research Associate in Neuroscience investigating neurodegenerative diseases and spinal cord injury. He later transitioned back to IT in the early 2000's as a SysAdmin, supporting instructional computing within various departments at UCSD. Hua further built his IT skillset in Cybersecurity while at San Diego SuperComputer Center providing support for research compliance. After 10 years in the research compliance space, Hua is now one of the newest members of Research IT serving as a Systems Integration Engineer.

Kira Dunn

Sr. Research Facilitator

Email: kcdunn@ucsd.edu

Kira joins the Research IT team with 14 years of cyber risk and security experience, and a decade of technical writing prior. As a new Carpentries instructor and Research Facilitator, she focuses on helping researchers remove the technological barriers to their research by identifying and understanding the IT solutions that best meet their needs.

Wilson Cheung

Systems Administrator

Email: wcheung@ucsd.edu

Wilson provides support for onboarding researchers for the Cloud and the Research Cluster. He is also a Systems Administrator in the Department of Mathematics and participates in campus-wide projects and initiatives to assist researchers in their endeavors.


Niyas Attasseri

Research Cyber Infrastructure Outreach Technician

Email: nattasseri@ucsd.edu

Niyas is a graduate student pursuing a Master's in Electrical and Computer Engineering, specializing in Robotics. He is actively involved in cybersecurity documentation for CMMC compliance and manages website modifications for Research-IT.

Claire Mizumoto

Director, Research IT Services

Email: claire@ucsd.edu

And, finally, the buck stops here. Claire works to remove hurdles for the Research IT team, at the same time, trying to stay out of the way of their progress. With a focus on gaps in services and support for researchers, she is dedicated to developing the Research IT program and to making continual improvements. With over 30 years of experience in higher ed IT, she participates in a variety of committees at the national level in the Research Computing and Data (RCD) community, including CaRCC and EDUCAUSE. She also is a Co-PI for the NSF RCD Nexus Center of Excellence demonstration pilot.

Contact Research IT Services

Email:  research-it@ucsd.edu