
There are several storage offerings available to UC San Diego users, and a number of commercial cloud storage services that may suit your needs. Research IT Services staff can assist you in determining the right solution for your situation; email for an appointment or to discuss by email or telephone.

Large File Transfers

Transfer large files to and from campus with the Library's tool. Just log in with Single Sign-On and use the simple, email-like format to deposit files for transfer and notify individuals of the link to retrieve them.

Campus-Endorsed Cloud Offerings Include:

Microsoft OneDrive offering

Maximum 5 terabytes (5TB)

All UC San Diego staff and faculty (including research staff) are eligible for a free OneDrive account which allows users to keep up to 5TB of files in the cloud.

Google Workspace

Maximum 100 gigabytes (GB)

Google Workspace is a collection of Google's web-based applications that are available for UC San Diego faculty and staff.

Campus-Local Offerings Include:

SDSC Project Storage

Interactive & mounted filesystem over 1 terabyte (1TB+)

For larger needs, SDSC’s Project Storage Service provides a network-based storage solution which offers CIFS/Samba and NFS mounting options. Find project storage service options and pricing.

SDSC Cloud Storage

An object-based storage system with multiple interface methods (1 TB+)

For larger needs, SDSC’s Cloud Storage Service provides an object-based storage system designed to be easy to use for the average user, but to also provides a flexible, configurable, and expandable solution to meet the needs of more demanding applications. Dual-site redundancy is offered for secure, reliable storage. See cloud storage options and pricing.

SDSC CommVault Backups

CommVault is a highly customizable backup system available to UC San Diego, members of the UC community, and UC affiliates. While CommVault excels as a backup solution for a group of several workstations, making it an excellent backup choice for collaborative research labs, CommVault also thrives in an enterprise backup role. Contact to find out more.

UC San Diego Library Digital Collections

A curated, searchable home for research data; supporting data sets of modest size (free)

The UC San Diego Library's Digital Collections is a digital asset management system that is designed to hold curated research data for others to search and cite. It’s the ideal long-term home for data that accompanies a published paper, especially with growing funding agency requirements to make data public. Learn more about describing your data, obtaining permanent identifiers, selecting a repository, and depositing data, see the Library page on Research Data Curation

UC San Diego Library Chronopolis

Long-term archival storage of data (Free)

Chronopolis provides long-term archival storage of data, using active management processes and constant monitoring. It's been certified as a Trustworthy Digital Archive by a standards body that is widely recognized as a leading organization in the digital preservation field. Find out more about digital preservation on the Research Data Curation page.

Universal Scale Storage (USS)

Research IT brokers sub-allocations of SDSC’s 200TB storage bricks where researchers can obtain cost-effective storage with a minimum 25TB allotment through this SDSC-Research IT partnership. Under this brokering program, UC San Diego researchers can mount USS shares to a variety of platforms, including the UCSD Research Cluster and many virtual machine environments. Research IT can also facilitate the connection to TSCC or S3-compatible object storage using the Cloud Connector feature. For specific details and information on setup and maintenance costs, please contact to schedule a consultation.

For more information or recommendations, contact